Trip planning

How to get from Florence to Pisa: train, bus, car

Florence and Pisa are only 69 km from each other, therefore, having been in Florence for a few days, it will not be difficult to get out of the capital of Tuscany for a day to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa and other famous sights of the city with your own eyes. Moreover, the road from Florence to Pisa deserves to be given special attention - the rural landscapes of Tuscany are no less famous than the cities of this region.

To make it easier for you to navigate, Blogoitaliano has collected detailed information on how to easily get from Florence to Pisa and return. The main options are only 3: train, bus and car.

From Florence to Pisa by train

For an independent traveler traveling around Italy "on his own" it is difficult to find a more convenient and comfortable way to get from Florence to Pisa than a train.

Regional trains to Pisa leave from Florence Santa Maria Novella Central Station several times per hour. At the same time, the movement of trains starts at 04:30 in the morning and ends at 00:40. 1 hour on the road - and you are already at the old train station of Pisa Pisa Centrale.

Trains to Pisa leave from Florence Central Station

The cost of such a trip is only 8.40 euros per person one way. This is a fixed price, it does not change depending on whether you buy a ticket in advance and whether you order it via the Internet.

You can buy tickets at the box office or machine at the station or get them in advance - online. To purchase tickets, a credit card is required, and the travel document itself arrives at the e-mail specified in the order immediately after payment. It remains only to print and take with you to the station.

Important! Please note that tickets for regional trains without indicating the time of departure of the train and the place in the car purchased at the station must be compost upon exit to the platform.

Train ticket composter

Many travelers are confused with this, and an uncomplicated ticket can result in a fine.

As for online tickets, most of them are issued with the mark “pre-validated”, indicating the class of the car (1st or 2nd) and time of departure.

Such tickets do not need to be composted, however, in order to be safe, when sending a train, you can put the time and date of departure on the ticket with a regular pen. Also, you can always clarify the need for composting your ticket in the information service at a train station in Italy.

From Florence to Pisa by bus

The Florence-Pisa route is served by several bus companies: Flixbus, Baltour and Marozzi VT.

The most convenient for travelers Flixbus: the service is not only often more cost-effective, but also allows you to plan your trip in advance, choosing the right flight and buying a ticket via the Internet.

Flixbus primarily offers morning flights (around 9-10 am), evening flights are available on Fridays and weekends (the schedule may change over time and depend on the season).

Flixbus tickets can be purchased in advance - online

Flights are mostly direct, you will spend about an hour and a half on the way. Buses depart from Piazzale Montelungo in Florence and continue to Pietrasantina in Pisa.

The ticket price ranges from 8 to 12 euros, but there are promotions when the ticket can be "caught" for 5 euros.

You can check the current route schedule and purchase tickets online on this page.

From Florence to Pisa by car

The distance from Florence to Pisa by road is slightly longer than directly - 87 km. If you move without stops and delays, the road will take a little more than an hour.

However, you should immediately warn that it is simply impossible to drive past the picturesque landscapes of the Tuscan region and not wrap yourself in one of the local villages - the area is so beautiful.

Between the cities lies the SGC Firenze-Pisa-Livorno highway, as well as A11 / E76 - in the second case, some sections of the route will be paid.

If you got to Florence without a rented car and only here you thought about this possibility, then it is better to pick up a car through a specialized online service for comparing car rental prices.

The system monitors the conditions of the largest distributors in the region and allows you to find the best deal in just a few clicks.

When you pick up a car, the conditions of which suit you, it is better not to delay the reservation. Demand for cars in the region is high throughout the year, and even after a few hours the option you like may well not exist.

Compare car prices in Tuscany on this page.

Useful materials about Florence and Pisa

  • What to see in Florence on your own in 1 day
  • 5 most popular excursions in Florence
  • 5 best hotels in Florence where they speak Russian
  • Square of Miracles or where the Leaning Tower of Pisa is located

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