How to get there

How to get from Rimini to Bologna on your own

The distance from Rimini to Bologna is 117 kilometers. It’s cheaper and faster to get there by train, but you can also consider the option of a longer independent travel by rented car. Let's take a closer look at all the options.

By train

From Rimini to Bologna, only Trenitalia regional and high-speed trains run. Unfortunately, their main competitor Italotreno is not represented in this direction. Consider in detail the features and cost of travel.

High speed

The fastest but also more expensive way is to travel to Bologna from Rimini by high-speed train. Travel time from 52 minutes to 1 hour 9 minutes, ticket prices from 21 to 26.50 euros one way. The interval of movement during the day is about once an hour, in the morning a little less often.

Trains arrive at Bologna Centrale Central Station and you can immediately go on a tour of the main attractions.


The cheapest way to get to Bologna from Rimini is to travel by regional train costing from 9.85 to 11.10 euros. Regional trains run several times per hour according to the schedule below:

The main minus is the travel time of one and a half to two hours.

You can return to Rimini from Bologna in the same way, the train schedule is in the photo below:

Instructions will come in handy:

Direct bus to Bologna Airport

Bologna Airport (Aeroporto Guglielmo Marconi di Bologna) from Rimini Central Station, with an interval of 2 hours, runs a direct shuttle bus for 20 euros. Travel time is 1 hour 30 minutes.

The ticket can be bought in advance online on the official website of the carrier.

By car

A trip by car to Bologna from Rimini will take about 1.5 hours. In addition to fuel costs, about 12 euros, keep in mind that the A14 highway is paid - 8.20 per segment in one direction. The nearest parking center Piazza dell Otto Agosto is located near the station. The cost is 2.6 euros per hour.

I am sure that now you can easily reach Bologna and get acquainted with its sights. If you need advice on the topic, I will be happy to answer your questions in the comments.

Watch the video: Top Things to do in Bologna & Emilia Romagna, Italy Travel Guide Bologna, Ferrari, Modena, Rimini (December 2024).

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